Achieving Optimal Body Composition in Athletes: What is the Best Athlete Diet Plan?


Course Description

When it comes to studying sports nutrition – and more specifically, delving into a strategic diet plan for athletes – information can be widespread and often overwhelming! At times, it can seem as though athletes are bombarded by self-proclaimed “nutrition experts”. To make matters worse, manufacturers of supplements, bars, shakes, and drinks often tout their product(s) as the latest and greatest scientific breakthrough. Due to these wide-ranging opinions, it can be difficult for the athlete to ascertain which diet plan is most beneficial for overall health and exercise performance.

To clear the confusion, the healthcare professional should be able to understand how to critically evaluate medical literature and recommend evidence based, scientifically-sound advice to athletes regarding nutrition and supplementation before, during and after training. Body composition is one of the most important aspects of fitness as the amount of body fat and muscle mass significantly impacts performance and training success, influencing the athletes’ speed, endurance, intensity and power. Thus, the focus of this course is to help the healthcare professional gain a deeper understanding of the clinically relevant research related to sports nutrition and its impact on athletic body composition. This course guides the professional through the process of critically appraising evidence to advocate the best diet plan for athletes, which consists of a healthy ratio of macronutrients that promote muscle growth and recovery, nutrition periodization to peak performance levels, and supplementation to improve overall health.

This Seminar-on-Demand is 2 contact hours in length (check your state’s approval status in the state specific course catalog for your profession).

Contact Hours: 2
Video Course Format: Video
Target Audience:
Instructional Level: Intermediate BOC Level of Difficulty: Advanced